
There are several areas where you can serve at Stone Ridge. A few areas are listed below.

Adventure Kidz & Discovery Kidz (Children's Church)

Each class has two adult volunteers. They meet during the worship service.

Coffee/Snack Servers

Volunteers arrive at 8:30 am to brew coffee for the Fellowship time that begins at 9:30 am.  Coffee volunteers ensure that coffee supplies, condiments and cups are filled.  Additionally, they are responsible for filling and putting out snacks, as well as, filling the water fridge.  At the end of the service, coffee volunteers are also responsible for clean up of the coffee area.

Event Set Up

If you’d be willing to help set up tables and chairs before church events in our Fellowship Hall, please contact Kendra in the church office!


These people greet people at the front doors as people arrive on Sunday mornings.


The media volunteers are responsible for the audio and visual components of the worship service and other events at Stone Ridge.


Our nursery is staffed with two adult volunteers and two youth helpers.  They are responsible for checking in the children, giving them name tags, supervising and playing with the children during the worship service.

Worship Team

These volunteers